Quid Pro Quo
Goddess, what is the meaning of quid pro quo?
In Latin, the phrase means "this for that." It's often mistaken as something cold, calculating, and inhuman. In Silence of the Lambs, it is the mode of interaction that Hannibal Lecter chooses to use with Clarisse Sterling. But in that story, it is this mode, however imperfectly enacted, that allows these two parties to create a temporary bridge of exchange, address each their needs, and develop the beginnings of a shared understanding.
Equal energy exchange is a principle of the Universe. When we are aligned with universal principles, we are in right balance.
Read the rest of this channeled answer on the VSSL blog.
Side note: Calling out a quirk of channeling here for interest’s sake. I jokingly made a comment that I was not the only one talking about Silence of the Lambs. In response, we got that it was going to be another example at first, but it was easier for me to relate the message to Silence of the Lambs, so they used that instead. So, yeah, that’s one way my filter contributed to this channeling. The other example is a favorite of ours, so I’m sure we’ll be exploring that more soon. -IYNX
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Reposted from vsslxo